TR Cutting Taster Session with Claudette Joseph - 16th September 2023

Not available

We are very happy that Claudette Joseph, who is a 5 times TR Cutting Super Master, is coming to the Sewing Room to run a workshop introducing Origami TR Cutting.

The session will introduce you to the TR pattern-cutting technique, which means Transformational Reconstruction.  This is a form of origami pattern cutting which translates into amazing 3D creations. 

Claudette will show a range of samples and then you will have the opportunity to practice the technique and create a pattern.

For each taster session, you will create a different pattern so even if you have done a session before this will be something new.

In this session, you will make a pattern for an integrated collar like the one pictured.

What You Need To Bring: Please bring along masking tape, paper scissors, a ruler, French curve or Pattern master and a pencil, you may also wish to bring a notepad to take notes.

Level: Intermediate/Advanced

Venue: The Midhurst Sewing Room

Date: Saturday 16th September 2023

Workshop Start/End time: 10am - 1pm

Workshop Duration: half day

Workshop Tutor: Claudette Joseph

More Information
Workshop Start16 Sept 2023